Creating an s3 bucket with an SQS queue attached is a simple and powerful configuration. Cloudformation allows one to express such a configuration as code and commit it to a git repository. I was not able to find a complete example of how to express such a configuration using Cloudformation. What follows is written using the Troposhere library. Please do not take this post to be an endorsement of using Troposhere.
t = self.template # The queue which will handle the S3 event messages t.add_resource(Queue( "MyQueue", VisibilityTimeout=30, MessageRetentionPeriod=60, QueueName=Sub("my-${AWS::Region}-${AWS::AccountId}") )) # The bucket that will generate the s3 events. The NotificationConfiguration # also supports SNS and Lambda. Notifications can also be filtered according # the S3 key of the object to which the event relates. t.add_resource(Bucket( "MyBucket", BucketName=Sub("my-${AWS::Region}-${AWS::AccountId}"), # Note that the queue policy must be created first DependsOn="MyQueuePolicy", NotificationConfiguration=NotificationConfiguration( QueueConfigurations=[ QueueConfigurations( Event="s3:ObjectCreated:*", Queue=GetAtt("MyQueue", "Arn"), ) ] ) )) # The queue policy will give access to the S3 bucket to send on the queue # The queue policy can also be used to give permission to the message receiver t.add_resource(QueuePolicy( "MyQueuePolicy", Queues=[Ref("MyQueue")], PolicyDocument={ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ # Allow the S3 bucket to publish to the queue # # -destinations-permissions-to-s3 { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": Principal("Service", [""]), "Action": [ "SQS:SendMessage" ], "Resource": GetAtt("MyQueue", "Arn"), "Condition": { "ArnLike": { # have to construct the ARN from the static bucket name to avoid # the circular dependency # "aws:SourceArn": Join("", [ "arn:aws:s3:::", Sub("my-${AWS::Region}-${AWS::AccountId}") ]) } } }, # Allow some user to read from the queue. This is just and example, # please change this to match the permissions your use case requires. { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": AWSPrincipal(GetAtt("MyUser", "Arn")), "Action": [ "sqs:ReceiveMessage" ], "Resource": GetAtt("MyQueue", "Arn"), } ] } )) # Allow some user to manipulate the S3 bucket. This is just and example, # please change this to match the permissions your use case requires. t.add_resource(BucketPolicy( "MyBucketPolicy", Bucket=Ref("MyBucket"), PolicyDocument={ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": AWSPrincipal(GetAtt("MyUser", "Arn")), "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Resource": Join("", [GetAtt("MyBucket", "Arn"), "/*"]) } ] } )) |